Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Severin road becomes a strolling mile

Cologne - The extension of the north-south travel in the area Chlodwigplatz, Bonner Straße and the Kar häuserhof - under the earth, the giant tube already looks almost done. And above ground are on big changes.
The Severin Street as a promenade, "We want to allow parking only on one side to the pedestrians crossing the stroll, and to facilitate the road. Therefore, the narrow sidewalks, "says Klaus resin village, chief officer for roads and traffic in the city. The redesigned roundabout at Clovis space is released after Carnival for motorists, repealed the Halbsperrung. The provisional route of the buses will be changed again until after Carnival.
"We deliberately wait until after Carnival, so that pedestrian accidents are on the road. Even with the redesign and the associated full closure of the Severin road we wait until after carnival - the Carnival so as to pass through each year under Severintorburg, "said Gunther Hohn, head of transport management of the KVB.
From 26 February, the road out of town Bonner diverted because of construction work for one-way street, the bus lines 106, 132 and 133 between Clovis and space Bonner Wall.
At some places the groundwater must be completely frozen with a special water-salt mixture. Otherwise, the tunnel can not be moved, said Rolf Pabst, Director North-South light rail Cologne KVB. In just over two years to complete the construction work be completed.