Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pensions to rise significantly

Berlin - The approximately 20 million retirees get deutlichmehr money: on 1 July increase of pensions in the west to 2.41 percent, surprising even to the east at 3.38 percent. The gabBundesarbeitsminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin announced on Monday.
It is the highest increase since 2002. The increase applies automatischauch for the approximately 6.6 million recipients of Hartz IV benefits.
   Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said, raising werdezusammen with the associated increase in the Hartz-IV-Zahlungendie strengthen demand. Given the low Inflationsrateführten the increases to a true "net gain".
   Last year, the pension increase was only 1.1 percent. In denJahren before there had only been clear rounds or increases that were considerably higher than inflation.