Monday, February 22, 2010

Archpriest Alexander (44) died in the Van

Dusseldorf - The Russian Orthodox community Dusseldorf crying.
Their pastor, Alexander Penkov died on Monday. He was the driver of the car that was hit on the Charles-Street Beggars by a tram.
In the small chapel in the courtyard of the church in Oberbilk burn candles. A creditor who recited from the Gospels, to pray more. In the yard, the community has built up a sort of altar. Pictures of Alexander's father can be seen, is from a book of condolence. Two women stand crying in front of the table with newspaper clippings from the disaster.
"It was an absolute shock for us," says Alexandra, wife of the Bishop's secretary Sergey MATANOV. "He was not only our pastor and an employee of the municipality, he was my friend," says her husband
"Alexander's father cared for the pastoral care in the community," says MATANOV. Weddings, baptisms and funerals, he has held. But more importantly: "He was always the contact for all problems."
 Ten years ago he had begun in the community. In 1998, he had emigrated with his German wife from Kaliningrad. With his death, have his his 6 children (15 to 22 lost many years) his father. "For me it was like a surrogate father, because I myself had no more," says the young believers Nikolay. He sat in the train, which slammed into the car Penkovs. "I saw the car fly. Now I feel guilty: I was sitting in the train that killed him. "
The "Brotherhood of St. John of Kronstadt," a nonprofit organization, whose chairman was Penkov, organized a fundraiser for the family: 62 22 400 00 Account at Commerzbank (BLZ: 340 400 49). Purpose: Donation