Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lunatic controversy over 1 minutes overtime

Bonn - muscle-flexing in the Bonn municipal utilities. The company wants to introduce a new roster. But the council balks. Reason: Two drivers would then have to work up to five minutes longer than agreed, the employee representatives. Fatal ability: the fighting cocks not agree, does the new, customer-friendly bus concept at risk.
Sticking point is 10 minutes of so-called "follow-up time". SWB available to each driver after a trip to fill such a rate sheet. They are paid a monthly flat rate of 65 euros.
But now they are a bone of contention. For the council expects them 10 minutes to the normal service. Running in the new plans: Two drivers were then one (!), Or five minutes to work longer than envisaged in the collective agreement.
Because of this additional work agreed to the council for the new service plans, from 16 August will apply, not too far. Verdi trade union secretary Rolf Kluge: "Hier geht's not about five minutes in itself, but about principle."
The contest will be conducted with no holds barred. Past climax: an internal letter from senior management to staff (located in EXPRESS). In which it is threatened to enforce the new schedules if necessary without council. The letter goes on to say: If the works do not comply, "we are forced to think about abolishing the follow-up in cash-settled times ...". On good German: The driver can remove the make up the 65 euros a month.
The letter caused a resentment in parts of the workforce. "Ransom note" is heard behind cupped hands. And Rolf Kluge does not consider the word choice for the most skillful, "This is a menacing undertone that the matter is not appropriate."
On the side of the SWB powerful one that tried to take focus from the discussion. Group spokesperson Werner shui: "We seek a solution with the works council, which is good for employees and customers. In any case, we want to make the employees the money out of pocket. "
There is no agreement, see the SWB customers in the tube: No additional courses on the line 608/609 and 604th And no driving improvements on the lines 608, 609, 604 and 603