Sunday, April 25, 2010

Now double-coming train strikes!

Frankfurt / Main - The tariff dispute with train drivers union GDL, the first time in the same person is on strike-undGüterverkehr. The nationwide action in the freight to begin this Wednesday at 12.00 clock, in the near-undFernverkehr on Thursday at 2.00 clock.
The Board has Decided to, said the German train drivers union (GDL) on Tuesday in Frankfurt. The industrial action is to end the night zumSamstag at 2.00 clock.
   It lay still "not a negotiable offer" of Bahnvor, emphasized the GDL. GDL boss Manfred Schell said in einerMitteilung the union: "It is not enough, we put off with about 100 paid overtime in 2007 and two hours bezahlterArbeitszeiterhöhung from 2008." On average, drivers currently earn 1,500 euros net per month. "This must be a Endehaben" demanded Schell.
At least it should be no Endlosbahnstreiks: The GDL will initially remain limited strike. "The demand of the union basis for indefinite strike for the time being we do not get to," said a spokeswoman for GDL.
 "We see our responsibility."
Deutsche Bahn boss Hartmut Mehdorn and GDL chairman Manfred Schellhatten on Monday afternoon Spitzengesprächgetroffen to a secret and discussed in private about the labor dispute.
The GDL requires a separate collective agreement for train drivers undbis to 31 percent more pay.