Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why? Defendant (62) with shackles despite wheelchair

Landshut - Because he a financial officer (48) treacherously killed with a neck shot, the orthopedic surgeon Wolfgang R. (62) life in jail.
Whether the 62-year-old ever be released, istfraglich, because for the orthopedic surgeon was Sicherungsverwahrungangeordnet. He had already long behind Gitterngesessen for murder - 17 years.
"The defendant wanted to enrich themselves," is the chairperson Judge Gisela Geppert secure. Money has always played an important Rollefür him, so he had murdered denFinanzbeamten on Easter Monday 2008 at his home in Upper Bavaria Bockhorn.
Until recently, the doctor denied vehemently. The Defense is considering a revision.
   After the fact, the doctor should have seinesOpfers filed false documents in the house. Among them was a testament of the physician as the heir eingesetztwar in the dieinzwischen girlfriend (36). She knew the victim 48 years old.
   At the scene investigators had any DNA traces of Arztesgefunden. With him was also no bloodstained Kleidungentdeckt. All this relieves the 62-year-olds did not. He could deal with firearms, and he habekein alibi for the time of the crime, the judge.
Above all, the doctor charged eineSpur which he is said to have deliberately used to cast suspicion on jemandanders too. After conviction of the chamber he had spread around the house seinesOpfers blood which he had previously Praxisabgenommen a patient in his.
Strange: The convicted murderer was sitting during the trial in a wheelchair - because of circulatory problems. Nevertheless, he had to wear heavy shackles großklicken (Photo!).
   In the 80 years the doctor had already been sentenced to lebenslangerHaft. Because he was a landlord in an insurance fraud on the tricks, he killed him.
May still take further action to the account desArztes as Attorney Ralph Reiter suggested. In the space Würzburgwerde are probing whether the 62-year-old might have something to do with a series of poison attacks.