Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pensions to rise significantly

Berlin - The approximately 20 million retirees get deutlichmehr money: on 1 July increase of pensions in the west to 2.41 percent, surprising even to the east at 3.38 percent. The gabBundesarbeitsminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin announced on Monday.
It is the highest increase since 2002. The increase applies automatischauch for the approximately 6.6 million recipients of Hartz IV benefits.
   Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said, raising werdezusammen with the associated increase in the Hartz-IV-Zahlungendie strengthen demand. Given the low Inflationsrateführten the increases to a true "net gain".
   Last year, the pension increase was only 1.1 percent. In denJahren before there had only been clear rounds or increases that were considerably higher than inflation.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Raab blasphemes on piles

 For his loose, sometimes the mark overshooting the gab is entertainer Stefan Raab (43) are known. Now he has found a new "victim" Dieter Bohlen (55) and its' Germany sucht den Superstar ".
"There is a question of candidates to get into situations they do not master," the Cologne rumbled in the "star". And placed in view of his show "Our star for Oslo" for the same: "Here no one is finished off for no reason. The people who come to us can do what. You have attitude and character. You are the antidote to the usual candidates casting shows. "Ouch.
But Raab of Raab would not if he would take the opportunity to praise and even a little of the green clover. He sees himself as the legitimate successor of the TV doyen Frank Elstner (67). "He is a doer who has fed the market is always coming up with new ideas. In the tradition I see myself already. "

Monday, May 31, 2010

Schwarzenegger is re actor

Los Angeles - Who would have thought that we will see Arnold Schwarzenegger once again in a Hollywood movie? Not many, anyway. But in the near future, it is so far. For Arni was committed for the film "The Expendables."
Next surprise: director is his pal Sylvester Stallone. In the film, to mercenaries in South Africa fell a dictator. Only Schwarzenegger should play the "client" - but he remains faithful to dear his political role.
Arnie plays a guest appearance as governor of - well, guess it - California.
More on Arnold Schwarzenegger "Hasta La Vista, Baby" - Arnie is 60> The coolest movie quotes of all times> Paris hopes to grace Arnies>

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MSV Duisburg goalkeeper pulls off thumb

Duisburg - a horror accident Sven Beuckert, Keeper of the MSV Duisburg behind. A horse broke the passionate horse-rider and friend from the thumb.
That's what happened: The 35-year-old took one of his horses in the paddock on his farm Hünxe. Suddenly by the animal. The rope ran like a noose around his thumb - then tore off the thumb ...
In emergency surgery doctors were able to sew the thumb back, but whether he is his usual self again, will only become apparent in the coming days.
The MSV Duisburg confirmed the accident now. Whether he will ever again for the Zebras in the gate, however, is more than questionable - his contract expires at the end of this month. In addition to the MSV Beuckert could never properly enforced. Six years ago he was switched from Union Berlin to Duisburg.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Severin road becomes a strolling mile

Cologne - The extension of the north-south travel in the area Chlodwigplatz, Bonner Straße and the Kar häuserhof - under the earth, the giant tube already looks almost done. And above ground are on big changes.
The Severin Street as a promenade, "We want to allow parking only on one side to the pedestrians crossing the stroll, and to facilitate the road. Therefore, the narrow sidewalks, "says Klaus resin village, chief officer for roads and traffic in the city. The redesigned roundabout at Clovis space is released after Carnival for motorists, repealed the Halbsperrung. The provisional route of the buses will be changed again until after Carnival.
"We deliberately wait until after Carnival, so that pedestrian accidents are on the road. Even with the redesign and the associated full closure of the Severin road we wait until after carnival - the Carnival so as to pass through each year under Severintorburg, "said Gunther Hohn, head of transport management of the KVB.
From 26 February, the road out of town Bonner diverted because of construction work for one-way street, the bus lines 106, 132 and 133 between Clovis and space Bonner Wall.
At some places the groundwater must be completely frozen with a special water-salt mixture. Otherwise, the tunnel can not be moved, said Rolf Pabst, Director North-South light rail Cologne KVB. In just over two years to complete the construction work be completed.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Days or hours (OV)

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In the upscale suburbs of Paris lives of successful advertising man, Antoine and his wife Cecile and their two children, a harmonious life. But then the break: From one day to the other, he throws up his job, squandered it with his friends and gives the stock the family reeling. What possessed him? Is it the midlife crisis or has he simply lost his mind?
?? Movie.label.director??
Jean Becker
?? Movie.label.actors??
Pierre Vaneck, Marie-Josée Croze, Albert Dupontel
?? Movie.label.genre??
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84?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Friday, May 7, 2010

2:2! Bekim awarded the match ball

Oberhausen - Bekim Kastrati stood thoughtfully on the field, wiping the sweat from his brow Jersey. For the first time he had made in a Fortune Punktspiel, put together even a double.
With two really nice goals. And yet he did not know what had happened quite einzuschätzen.Schließlich it had given its strong presence, despite only a 2-2 - and he himself had failed in the final minute of the winner in the slipper, just barely.
A few minutes later, but the satisfaction outweighed its strong performance. "Axel Lawarée and I have given the unjustified criticism of the right answer," showed the Albanians previously two zero points in the offensive satisfaction. "That makes it the best on the pitch and we have done."
Before the fans had seen Kastratis Big Bang. Fortuna was in Oberhausen highly dangerous at corners, always did and Robert Palikuca Kastrati correctly with their strength alarm header.
Ballermann Bekim was reserved for it, then, provide results for the premiere of his compensation. Shortly before the break after he put it again. Axel Lawarée spooned a ball that many would have been abandoned, with a last effort by the Torauslinie still in the middle.
There lay Kastrati transversely into the air and brought Fortuna with a wonderful goal lead. Then he kissed his fist and documented with a long sprint in the Fankurve all his relief. "After his long injury pleased I am particularly Bekim," said Uwe Weidemann then.
But there was still just the downer at the very end. "In the end, I must make one that would have been the crowning achievement," annoyed Kastrati. "But that's just football. The gates do me the creeps, because I was one years away from the window. But I've always said, and know that I can make goals. Better than my two goals I would not have been three points. "

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Great styling tips from professional Aneto

Looking good by nature, is not everything. Models also can not carry everything. Fashion expert Aneto Ariam Odili ( tells us how modetechnisch out the best in themselves.
"Do what Traut and test new looks," advises Aneto. The Stylist (EXPRESS model our clothes on) sees himself as a broker with great sensitivity. "I must see that the client's interests coincide with those of the photographer and that the outfit fits the model."
What color and blonde for whom? Type: Ideal combines opposites: dark, with bright colors. Dark Type: bear the same colors as red hair Blonde.Problemkind: Redheads should wear bright colors that do not light too much.
The elegant occasion: women do with the "little black dress" nothing wrong. For men: dark suit, light shirt and dark-colored eggs or shoes.
Anetos Tip: "If you look at while shopping is not safe, is representing a can to help other people's thoughts," he advises. "They are impartial and honest."
Trends 2008: Continuing the close (tube) jeans in combination with boots or ballerinas. "And in the summer it is colorful," promises Aneto. "Bold colors such as blue, green or yellow are then" in ", just as breezy tops and dresses for women and waisted jackets combined with simple plain-colored shirts and faded jeans for men."
A tip for the little purse: "basics such as jeans and shirts are easy with fancy accessories such as chains, rivets, sophisticated bags or thin summer scarves (announced in men) spice."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Now double-coming train strikes!

Frankfurt / Main - The tariff dispute with train drivers union GDL, the first time in the same person is on strike-undGüterverkehr. The nationwide action in the freight to begin this Wednesday at 12.00 clock, in the near-undFernverkehr on Thursday at 2.00 clock.
The Board has Decided to, said the German train drivers union (GDL) on Tuesday in Frankfurt. The industrial action is to end the night zumSamstag at 2.00 clock.
   It lay still "not a negotiable offer" of Bahnvor, emphasized the GDL. GDL boss Manfred Schell said in einerMitteilung the union: "It is not enough, we put off with about 100 paid overtime in 2007 and two hours bezahlterArbeitszeiterhöhung from 2008." On average, drivers currently earn 1,500 euros net per month. "This must be a Endehaben" demanded Schell.
At least it should be no Endlosbahnstreiks: The GDL will initially remain limited strike. "The demand of the union basis for indefinite strike for the time being we do not get to," said a spokeswoman for GDL.
 "We see our responsibility."
Deutsche Bahn boss Hartmut Mehdorn and GDL chairman Manfred Schellhatten on Monday afternoon Spitzengesprächgetroffen to a secret and discussed in private about the labor dispute.
The GDL requires a separate collective agreement for train drivers undbis to 31 percent more pay.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nobody wants to ex-RAF terrorist Christian Klar

Berlin - The verdict is only a few weeks ago: The Stuttgart Higher Regional Court has ruled that the former RAF terrorist Christian Klar is after a 26-year sentence in early 2009 released from prison.
But the media frenzy expectable could fail under certain circumstances. Because: Nobody wants to clear as the talk-guests.
 On Monday, ZDF spokesman Alexander Stock confirm initial rumors: "The ZDF bosses have asked to deal cautiously with the issue."
Previously, ZDF director Markus Schaechter and ZDF chief editor Nikolaus Brender had been the editorial director of the sender by e-mail question asked not to invite Clear in their broadcasts. Ie: No Clear bei Kerner!
Stock emphasized, however, that it is not the case concerns a ban. But if one wants to invite editors ZDF Clear in a talk show, it must hold prior consultation with the upper floor of the ZDF.
The ARD wants the ex-terrorists, not in its broadcasts: "We want to provide a forum and have no clear intention of inviting him as guest," said ARD spokesman Burchard Rover.
And even the private to keep a low profile: "Regardless of the memorandum reporting to us there will be no stage for Christian Klar as a guest," said RTL spokeswoman Heike Schultz. The show "Stern TV" responsible production company closed an interview with Sunny. Exactly that is what the news channel n-tv.
The biographies of terrorist Christian Klar - here> click
Click also demand sacrifices: terrorists are not actually allowed to sell> Ex-terrorist Christian Klar is free> "Landshut-pilot returns Merit>

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why? Defendant (62) with shackles despite wheelchair

Landshut - Because he a financial officer (48) treacherously killed with a neck shot, the orthopedic surgeon Wolfgang R. (62) life in jail.
Whether the 62-year-old ever be released, istfraglich, because for the orthopedic surgeon was Sicherungsverwahrungangeordnet. He had already long behind Gitterngesessen for murder - 17 years.
"The defendant wanted to enrich themselves," is the chairperson Judge Gisela Geppert secure. Money has always played an important Rollefür him, so he had murdered denFinanzbeamten on Easter Monday 2008 at his home in Upper Bavaria Bockhorn.
Until recently, the doctor denied vehemently. The Defense is considering a revision.
   After the fact, the doctor should have seinesOpfers filed false documents in the house. Among them was a testament of the physician as the heir eingesetztwar in the dieinzwischen girlfriend (36). She knew the victim 48 years old.
   At the scene investigators had any DNA traces of Arztesgefunden. With him was also no bloodstained Kleidungentdeckt. All this relieves the 62-year-olds did not. He could deal with firearms, and he habekein alibi for the time of the crime, the judge.
Above all, the doctor charged eineSpur which he is said to have deliberately used to cast suspicion on jemandanders too. After conviction of the chamber he had spread around the house seinesOpfers blood which he had previously Praxisabgenommen a patient in his.
Strange: The convicted murderer was sitting during the trial in a wheelchair - because of circulatory problems. Nevertheless, he had to wear heavy shackles großklicken (Photo!).
   In the 80 years the doctor had already been sentenced to lebenslangerHaft. Because he was a landlord in an insurance fraud on the tricks, he killed him.
May still take further action to the account desArztes as Attorney Ralph Reiter suggested. In the space Würzburgwerde are probing whether the 62-year-old might have something to do with a series of poison attacks.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Now for 2010s car and work for 150 employees

Cologne --
Is Toyota Racing Stefan GP? The hope for a continuation of the Formula-1 activities in the Cologne plant - through the offering of Serbs Dr. Zoran Stefanovic (EXPRESS reported), they get fresh food.
It's about the plans for the 2010s car, where, despite the exit of 4 Toyota November is further developed, the use of Higtech workshops and above all, the launch site. To the team because of the hasty signing of the Concorde Agreement until 2012 as the neck like an alleged claim for damages by Bernie Ecclestone over 100 million euros.
This is Stefanovic 'Company
The potential Toyota customers AMCO is an engineering company in Belgrade.
It provides credit report for high-tech parts for aerospace and military (including reconnaissance drone for the Bundeswehr), wind turbines, rotors and engines and transmissions for racing here (Formula Ford).
Project was for the Formula-1-the former McLaren designer Mike Coughlan obliged stumbled in 2007 about the espionage scandal (keyword copy shop) was.
Who is this Serb who wants to save the honor of hundreds of mismanagement before unemployment standing Toyota employees? "We have made some kind of agreement with them to take the Formula 1 project," said Dr. Stefanovic, whose company AMCO allegedly engines and parts for the aerospace and military production () see info box.
In Formula 1 he was already before the Toyota Exit: "We have a complete system and all that is needed to start the test work." Now begins the haggling over the Toyota launch site.
EXPRESS asked in Marsdorf: Get out Stefanovic at Toyota Motorsport GmbHein and preserve as many of the 650 jobs? "As long as AMCO has no enrollment for next year, it's all speculation and we will not comment," says the outgoing PR Chief Andy Fox.
But he clarifies: "TMG is not for sale and will continue to exist as a company in Cologne." With approximately 150 employees and so on three pillars: marketing of the plant (wind tunnels, test stands, etc.), tuning for Toyota vehicles (such as Mercedes AMG) and refinement of the Lexus sports car for LFA Renneisätze.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Avalanche at Feldberg - Search canceled

Feldberg - On a busy ski resort on the Black Forest demFeldberg has resolved on Wednesday undmöglicherweise an avalanche buried several men under him.
But bisAbend no victim had been found, the search eingestelltworden, said a police spokesman.
WarGroßalarm triggered for the rescue workers were. A skier, who had thrown his footsteps dieSuche, was found uninjured.
The area around ond 1493-meter summit of the Feldberg is the bedeutendsteSkiregion in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
   Back to the avalanche had several ski tracks, but no addition Spurführte said Ralf Goetz, head of the rescue service desDRK in Freiburg. That was a sign that the avalanche may have untersich skiers buried.
Helicopters brought Lawinensuchhundeauf the mountain. As it grew dark, the area with Scheinwerfernausgeleuchtet to könenn continue the search.
   In recent days there has kräftiggeschneit on the Feldberg. Currently available, according to the local Liftverbundesrund 140 centimeters of snow.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Eleven bodies found in house rapists

        Photo: AP
        Cleveland --
His name is Anthony E. Sowell, he is a convicted rapist, came in 2005 from jail - and became the incredible mass murderer. The police in Cleveland (Ohio) has found by Wednesday evening, eleven women corpses in Sowell's house - Finally, the officers discovered a skull in a bucket.
And the search on the property of the 50-year-olds continues ...
Previously corpses in the living room in the basement and the garden were found. The local police chief: "This man apparently had an insatiable appetite, he had to satisfy."
Meanwhile, the first victim is identified. These are 52-year-old who apparently had been living very close to her murderer.
Six of the bodies have already greatly decayed, are already "in weeks, months or even years, have located" dead in the horror house.
Since it is not surprising that owell neighbors had long complained about the foul stench. But for that the police were close to the sausage factory is responsible ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Radio-Star suffered a stroke

Cologne - a shock to all music and radio fans in the Rhineland: rock legend Frank Laufenberg (63) suffered a stroke, was paralyzed for days unilaterally.
In addition, the loss of the speech threatened - for the radio man the abrupt end of a 40-year period.
On his homepage, lined up the speedy recovery: "Everyone needs to be small, against the person to be healthy! See you soon bye "writes about Moni.
EXPRESS achieved Laufenberg in Baden-Baden. His voice sounds a bit weak, but happy: "I greet Cologne, I am an old Ehrenfeld," says Laufenberg. "I grew up in the Rothe House Road, because I recently met up with people I had not seen for 50 years!"
We hear: With the big man on the radio, the permanent presenter of the WDR, the television broadcast of 400 episodes from famous WWF Club (today's "cafeteria"), it's back up.
Almost over the shock seems as if he suddenly found again in the emergency room: "Somewhere in my body had a blood clot or a hardening solution, which penetrated into the brain. The doctor told me that this was a stroke. It's as if were simply deleted as part of a computer hard drive. "
He continued: "There can not imagine how fast to do it. Luckily, my wife Ingrid with me ... "
Ill effects: For days, Laufenberg was severely paralyzed unilaterally, any movement was impossible, or do only under intense pain. But it went ahead step by step: "I practiced running again, now everything has been going much better. Luckily I have not lost my voice. "
He had asked shortly after the initial shock, his doctor: "Doctor, can I still drink Kolsch?" The only grinned: "Dear Red. Better for the bloodstream. Since agents are inside, which protect the arteries. "
Even Saturday night from 22.10 clock Laufenberg will sit again in front of Studio 1-SWR micro and make his show. With the old, big hits such as "Sebastian" by Cockney Rebel. "Without my music I can not live this way ..."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Heidi Klum Peyman Amin attacked

He was the meanest juror in the jury of "Germanys Next Top Model". Peyman Amin must now go himself. And appears to be in conflict Heidi Klum.
Rauswurf he learned of the alleged Prosieben of the sender and not by Heidi yourself "I would have found it more gallant, when Heidi was looking to talk to me or I of her own experience that they can no longer see me in their mission," said Amin In an interview with the media magazine
Heidi Klum is a busy woman, for the amine initially expressed understanding. It was also always felt during the filming of "America's Next Top Model" to. Amin: "Heidi Klum is an international superstar. In the real world and also on the set, where a corresponding hierarchy was always felt. "
With a Rauswurf he obviously had not expected: "I must admit that it surprised me," says Peyman Amin, who was next to Heidi Klum is the only main character since the beginning of the show here. Surprisingly, therefore, since the sender him last year for the next "GNTM" was contractually obligated seasons. But now it turned out differently. "Heidi has a new jury wanted," said Amin.
Of his successors in the top model, he believes jury apparently not much. Photographer Kristian Schuller still comes off pretty well: "Kristian Schuller has already worked as a photographer with many top models, including Gisele Bundchen, he had posted about me. Heidi even he has also been geshootet "said Amin.
See it with other known Qualid Ladraa, Q, from: "Since he has no professional experience with models and the related international standards, I am curious how the Q 'GNT'-models can advance."
Also of interest
"Top Model"-start without Heidi Klum
Permit: Heidi Samuel
Entry into the Top Model WG
Rolfe: "I went for Mama"
"Rolfe" pulls her about Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum Peyman Amin attacked

He was the meanest juror in the jury of "Germanys Next Top Model". Peyman Amin must now go himself. And appears to be in conflict Heidi Klum.
Rauswurf he learned of the alleged Prosieben of the sender and not by Heidi yourself "I would have found it more gallant, when Heidi was looking to talk to me or I of her own experience that they can no longer see me in their mission," said Amin In an interview with the media magazine
Heidi Klum is a busy woman, for the amine initially expressed understanding. It was also always felt during the filming of "America's Next Top Model" to. Amin: "Heidi Klum is an international superstar. In the real world and also on the set, where a corresponding hierarchy was always felt. "
With a Rauswurf he obviously had not expected: "I must admit that it surprised me," says Peyman Amin, who was next to Heidi Klum is the only main character since the beginning of the show here. Surprisingly, therefore, since the sender him last year for the next "GNTM" was contractually obligated seasons. But now it turned out differently. "Heidi has a new jury wanted," said Amin.
Of his successors in the top model, he believes jury apparently not much. Photographer Kristian Schuller still comes off pretty well: "Kristian Schuller has already worked as a photographer with many top models, including Gisele Bundchen, he had posted about me. Heidi even he has also been geshootet "said Amin.
See it with other known Qualid Ladraa, Q, from: "Since he has no professional experience with models and the related international standards, I am curious how the Q 'GNT'-models can advance."
Also of interest
"Top Model"-start without Heidi Klum
Permit: Heidi Samuel
Entry into the Top Model WG
Rolfe: "I went for Mama"
"Rolfe" pulls her about Heidi Klum

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lunatic controversy over 1 minutes overtime

Bonn - muscle-flexing in the Bonn municipal utilities. The company wants to introduce a new roster. But the council balks. Reason: Two drivers would then have to work up to five minutes longer than agreed, the employee representatives. Fatal ability: the fighting cocks not agree, does the new, customer-friendly bus concept at risk.
Sticking point is 10 minutes of so-called "follow-up time". SWB available to each driver after a trip to fill such a rate sheet. They are paid a monthly flat rate of 65 euros.
But now they are a bone of contention. For the council expects them 10 minutes to the normal service. Running in the new plans: Two drivers were then one (!), Or five minutes to work longer than envisaged in the collective agreement.
Because of this additional work agreed to the council for the new service plans, from 16 August will apply, not too far. Verdi trade union secretary Rolf Kluge: "Hier geht's not about five minutes in itself, but about principle."
The contest will be conducted with no holds barred. Past climax: an internal letter from senior management to staff (located in EXPRESS). In which it is threatened to enforce the new schedules if necessary without council. The letter goes on to say: If the works do not comply, "we are forced to think about abolishing the follow-up in cash-settled times ...". On good German: The driver can remove the make up the 65 euros a month.
The letter caused a resentment in parts of the workforce. "Ransom note" is heard behind cupped hands. And Rolf Kluge does not consider the word choice for the most skillful, "This is a menacing undertone that the matter is not appropriate."
On the side of the SWB powerful one that tried to take focus from the discussion. Group spokesperson Werner shui: "We seek a solution with the works council, which is good for employees and customers. In any case, we want to make the employees the money out of pocket. "
There is no agreement, see the SWB customers in the tube: No additional courses on the line 608/609 and 604th And no driving improvements on the lines 608, 609, 604 and 603

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Perfect! Gomez moves to Bayern

Frankfurt / Main - The transfer hammer is perfect: football international Mario Gomez from VfB Stuttgart to change Bayern Munich.
This decision has been made einemBesuch on Tuesday morning at Gomez in Munich, told the German Football Association (DFB), and German champions.
"I look forward tothe FC Bayern Munich," said Mario Gomez on Tuesday in einerPressemitteilung of Bayern Munich. "I want this club in the Championship next season inder full attack and ichfreue very much forward to the games in the Champions League."
As reported EXPRESS> to transfer the 30 million euros to the Bavarian Swabia.
He is the most expensive Bundesliga sale of all time.
The most expensive mega-transfers here> The Most Expensive Bayern-access here>
More about Mario Gomez and DiegoGomez stands before a record change> Perfect! Diego joins Juve>
... and even a change: Perfect! Ajax coach Martin Jol is>
• What do you think of the transfer? Gomez is worth the money? Just in discussions ...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Archpriest Alexander (44) died in the Van

Dusseldorf - The Russian Orthodox community Dusseldorf crying.
Their pastor, Alexander Penkov died on Monday. He was the driver of the car that was hit on the Charles-Street Beggars by a tram.
In the small chapel in the courtyard of the church in Oberbilk burn candles. A creditor who recited from the Gospels, to pray more. In the yard, the community has built up a sort of altar. Pictures of Alexander's father can be seen, is from a book of condolence. Two women stand crying in front of the table with newspaper clippings from the disaster.
"It was an absolute shock for us," says Alexandra, wife of the Bishop's secretary Sergey MATANOV. "He was not only our pastor and an employee of the municipality, he was my friend," says her husband
"Alexander's father cared for the pastoral care in the community," says MATANOV. Weddings, baptisms and funerals, he has held. But more importantly: "He was always the contact for all problems."
 Ten years ago he had begun in the community. In 1998, he had emigrated with his German wife from Kaliningrad. With his death, have his his 6 children (15 to 22 lost many years) his father. "For me it was like a surrogate father, because I myself had no more," says the young believers Nikolay. He sat in the train, which slammed into the car Penkovs. "I saw the car fly. Now I feel guilty: I was sitting in the train that killed him. "
The "Brotherhood of St. John of Kronstadt," a nonprofit organization, whose chairman was Penkov, organized a fundraiser for the family: 62 22 400 00 Account at Commerzbank (BLZ: 340 400 49). Purpose: Donation

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Venetia superjeck with God's blessing

Dusseldorf - It is probably the first Venetia, whose boss has given its official blessing to Jecksein!
Since 2002 Ute Heierz-Krings Secretary to Dean Michael Dederichs. The pastor of St. Anthony is responsible for Dusseldorf center and Heerdt. Not only that, he says in the highest terms of its reliable secretary. The Carnival friend is also incredibly proud that it has become Venetia.
"I have supported from the outset," says Dederichs, the Honor Guard is a member of the Niederkasseler tonnes and is also kleinauf jeck. "I went with a four year old already in Leverkusen Zoch. Disguised as a cook. "
Hardly a Jecke event with the prince and princess, which he currently does not visit - he always accompanied the family of Venetia Ute.
"The Prince and Princess have my blessing. Also, I pray every day for the two, "says Michael Dederichs and enthused:" I am convinced that they make a good impression. "
And so during the session and everything runs smoothly, has dreamed up in the parish a nice gift for them. Dederichs: "We give Ute and Lothar a big candle, which is the Order of Prince modeled in wax. She is there to pray for good weather during the session. "On 8 February, it is lit in the town church.
With this direct line to the top really can not go wrong! "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We have nothing more to tell us

You remain speechless in front of the telly to go separately according to their hobbies and realize at some point: Actually, we have to say anything more.
Most couples enter, according to survey as a ground for divorce: "We have drifted apart." Psychologist Elke Eyckmanns therefore advises the regular relationship check.
Why do lovers drift apart so quickly these days? One important reason is that in the infatuation phase, no reconciliation between the living and thinking is done. Everything will be all in some way - with love. This one and the partner in terms of flexibility overestimated. Very important are values and attitudes. And the child. If they do not fit, is constructed in such a relationship from the start to sand. Other relationship killers:
One gets ahead and forget to take the other.
One of them evolved in a direction with which the partner can not do anything more.
Children come and confuse the Paargefüge.
Both partners have a job and after work, so flat that they are only able to sit together alone in front of the telly.
Also a very important point: the sexual attractiveness of the partner is lost. Adds the partner does not turn on without effort, this appears to be no reason for self-dealing with them or even change the way they want.
What should one do so that it did not even get to that point? The first is to turn his head at the beginning of a relationship and look closely. Does the partner of my ideas about life? If he has similar values and goals? Then: telly off and at least one meal together, which means nothing more than a day to spend at least half an hour talking to each other.
And to make very important point: From time to time synchronization, so to speak, update: Are we still happy with our relationship? Do we still have the same goals? What should be changed or corrected? What will follow in the near future? And: Are we satisfied with our sexuality?
Also of interest
Counseling via the Internet

Friday, February 5, 2010

Giant Zoff on TV: "It's a mess"

Munich - Bayern Munich v Borussia Dortmund: 3:1-After the victory of the pieces flew Bavaria - Bayern president Franz Beckenbauer and BVB coach Jürgen Klopp zofften in the TV with Premiere.
Trigger: A duel between Kevin Boateng and Miroslav Klose.
"This is definitely a mess, because he wanted to intentionally hurt Klose. He can be happy if the DFB does not see these pictures, or he is subsequently blocked. I do not know what's going on in that head of such a player," Beckenbauer complained about Boateng, who was kicked Klose in the first half on the right thigh.
The Beckenbauer criticism in turn brought Klopp on the palm.
"Usually there is no interest until a moderator says something. But when Franz Beckenbauer is the opposite. This is incredible, if in a situation like the boy something assumed. Because there can only relevant question that you want Kevin to attach anything because He looks a little wild. "
Referee Michael Kempter (Sauldorf) had not sanctioned the scene.
More on the match: Klose to Bayern can cheer>